I am a full stack web developer with a passion for creating interactive and responsive web applications. I have experience working with JavaScript, React, Redux, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, HTML, CSS, and Git. I am a quick learner and I am always looking to expand my knowledge and skill set. I am a team player and I am excited to work with others to create amazing applications.



Over All Projects


TypeScript Node.js Projects


HTML, CSS, JavaScript Projects


Next.js Projects

Web Developer


Aabout Me

I am a full stack web developer with a passion for creating interactive and responsive web applications. I have experience working with JavaScript, React, Redux, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, HTML, CSS, and Git. I am a quick learner and I am always looking to expand my knowledge and skill set. I am a team player and I am excited to work with others to create amazing applications.

  1. Nodejs
  2. TypeScript
  3. Next.js
  4. HTML
  5. CSS
  6. JavaScript
  7. BootStrap
  8. React


Next.js Portfolio Website
Next.js Portfolio Website

Project 1 description

Next.js PhotoGraphy Portfolio Website
Next.js PhotoGraphy Portfolio Website

Project 2 description

Next.js E-commerce Application
Next.js E-commerce Application

Project 3 description

Next.js Food Ordering Application
Next.js Food Ordering Application

Project 4 description

Next.js Firebase Template
Next.js Firebase Template

Authentication and CRUD operations

Next.js Full-stack Roadmap
Next.js Full-stack Roadmap

Project 5 description

Contact Us

Connect With Me

Im currently looking for new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, Ill try my best to get back to you!